Voting for Fantasy

Snark at the absurdity
The just plain ridiculous
What is the world coming to?
The laughable, incomprehensible
Behaviours of mankind.
Once-upon-a-time children
Are acceptable,
With fairy dust in their hair,
Wands, wizards and witches
And magical faraway trees.
Wishes on twinkling stars,
Unicorns, mermaids and monsters
All exist in giggling fantasy.
Perhaps a return to their reality
Could cure the madness
Of adult monstrosity,
Cruelty, greed and dictatorial command,
Or the high of fame and fortune,
The power hungry unsatiated
In their great titles of inhumanity.
No escape from the selection,
Of lies and deception
In the pursuit of a child’s wonderland
In the world of adult democracy.

Debbie Gravett © 2024.05.22

Image by MeditativeKaleidoscope from Pixabay

FOWC: Snark
RDP: Twinkling

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