Reframing It

I’ve struck the wrong chord,
and I could wallow in the discord,
the horrible sound it made
when I declared it a mistake.
Or perhaps…
just maybe…
I could reframe it.
Like a patchwork quilt
made of leftovers
which could have been tossed,
but instead
got a second chance,
making something special,
being something valued and loved.
It isn’t wrong,
it isn’t failure,
unless I label it so.
So, let’s lose the tags, the names
and just live, and be,
Or call them their opposites,
the light instead of the dark,
the glimmer of hope
where there was none.
Time to change thinking,
to draw the silver lining,
to believe that it is.

Debbie Gravett © 2024.05.21

Image by Chen from Pixabay

FOWC: Chord
RDP: Quilt

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