No Holding Back

Thread me through the eye of a needle,
the storm that cannot be controlled,
for I will not be reduced to a pinhole view,
but give me the panorama of life whole.
The fuel of fun in my bubbly energy,
that I have contained for too long,
afraid to stick out in society,
to be the different outcast of volume.
Though my smile has been seen around,
its twinkle in my eyes has been absent too long,
and thus, a show to satisfy questions,
when the heart’s joy is suffocated,
for fear of judgement and condemnation.
But I will toss the sewing to the wind,
and be the exuberance of the gusts
blowing in the thunder of laughter,
lightning crash of clapping hands
in the freedom of authenticity,
released once more, regardless of the reception.
Raise the umbrellas and put on your hats,
not for the rain, but for the glorious sunshine.

Debbie Gravett © 2024.05.19

Image by StockSnap from Pixabay

FOWC: Fuel
RDP: Panorama

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