Enjoy My Offerings

I have been serving at the table for eight years,
well, a little longer than that,
a few other places before,
chewing at the words I’ve offered up.
Three-thousand-two-hundred and thirteen
succulent meals, set before those who enter,
with a total of seventy-three-thousand, one-hundred
and thirty-two visions of my humble preparations.
Never trying to preach dishes of righteousness,
just ideas with sides of reality,
and spices of positivity and motivation,
to see ourselves in gorgeous aromas of delight,
and beautiful paintings on the plates of life,
what we believe is what we serve of ourselves
for the world to see and dine upon.
Not everybody’s cup of tea,
but that is alright, for we will find the diners
whom we are meant to sit and eat and drink with.
We all have a place in the restaurant of Earth,
and I look forward to creating more delectable morsels
to be enjoyed across the lips and tongue of many more.

Debbie Gravett © 2024.05.18

Image by Pexels from Pixabay

FOWC: Righteous
RDP: Table

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