All a Little Tainted

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “What’s that smell?” Write the first thing that comes to mind. Enjoy!


I stare at her in envy,
confidence seeping from her pores
surrounding her, and infecting
all who come near her.
A light source, undimmable,
determined and sure of her destination.
I try to emulate as I wobble on unsteady feet,
perhaps only getting one step right.
She is the goal, the idea that I aim for,
in her perfection, poise and certainty.
How do I achieve that level of assurance?
Green eyes watching, trying to learn,
to exude the upright scent of anything but fear,
amazed at seeing her mask fall.
She is human, she is fallible,
she is intimately acquainted
with my unwanted protector of doubt.
Who would ever have thought it?
Everything put together,
isn’t always as it seems,
imperfect is normal and natural.
Imperfect is acceptable.
Imperfect is perfect.

Debbie Gravett © 2024.05.18

SoC: What’s that smell?
Image by rescuekindness from Pixabay

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