Place of Strength

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is: “memories of the room you’re in.” Write about a memory of the room (or park, or gym, or where ever you are) you’re in when you write your post. Enjoy!


Before you were ours
you were a dining room,
the place we sat and discussed
the possibility of buying you.
I wouldn’t bow to the pressure,
the agent wanted more.
I knew you were home,
but not at any cost,
not at the push of a bully.
We had to give a little more,
but never reached
his level of greed.
And now you’re the space
of work and wordy creations.
The perfect office
for work from home,
poetry and stories,
where you’ll find me
spending far too much time.
With salt lamp and fan,
bookshelf and desk,
and a globe of the world,
family photos,
and a window to the front gate.
All to see the world,
and life happening outside,
and one day we will change
the yellow glass
in the little window
looking nowhere in particular.
Or maybe rather close it,
when we build in
desks, cupboards, and shelves,
clear of clutter,
to let the ideas and answers flow.

Debbie Gravett © 2024.03.23

SoC: Memories of the Room I’m In
Image by ErikaWittlieb from Pixabay

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