Working on It

I don’t need you to doubt me,
I don’t need you to dismiss me,
I do it very well for myself.
Mastered the skills years ago
and have continued successfully,
highlighting my blemishes,
polishing them up to the sun.
So, I wonder about your behaviour,
is that what I have allowed,
or am welcoming?
Or is it you?
The fluctuation of my confidence,
a great achievement of the mind,
for my believed worth permits
the outside world to affect it.
I am a work in progress,
to let the world know that finally,
I believe I am worth more,
then there will be no doubt in my mind,
and I will clearly know acceptable behaviour,
and what I’m willing to tolerate.

Debbie Gravett © 2024.06.14

Image by Eva Michálková from Pixabay

FOWC: Fluctuation
RDP: Blemish

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