That’s Not Cold

Like the blade of a fern unfurls,
we rise from winter’s icicles,
to bask in the sun
and smell springs fragrances.
And when she arrives again,
back into the foetal we curl,
lose our rugged outdoor time,
to hide once more from life,
beneath the warmth of a blanket,
unwilling to go if we needn’t.
Talking of temperate climates,
summers all year round,
but none on the equator we like.
Each managing various severities
that our bodies have acclimated to,
or not.
Our warm is another’s hot,
our cold is their summer,
and their winter is unthinkable.
But in the end, we need to live
every day, no matter the weather.

Debbie Gravett © 2024.06.11

Image by Manfred Richter from Pixabay

FOWC: Unfurl
RDP: Rugged

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