Beware Guardian’s Warnings

The gatekeeper, the door stop
My mind is my guardian
The caution to prevent disaster
To ensure that I step carefully
Or avoid something completely
But when I listen unconditionally
Avert myself from everything
I miss so very much
She is generous with her warnings
But I am learning to discern
To listen with my intuition
To feel the relevant from overextension
Not all things are dangerous
Not all things are bad for me
If I allow the fear from these ‘what ifs’
Rule every decision I make
I’ll never live but rather hide
Never find the magic or possibilities
So I thank her for the consideration
But let her know when it is unnecessary
And trust my gut with deciding this one

Debbie Gravett © 2022.06.16

FOWC: Generous
RDP: Door Stop

Image by kalhh from Pixabay

2 thoughts on “Beware Guardian’s Warnings

  1. So good Debbie. My favourite lines

    “If I allow the fear from these ‘what ifs’
    Rule every decision I make
    I’ll never live but rather hide
    Never find the magic or possibilities”

    Thanks for joining in 🙂 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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