A Strange Sadness

There is no thunderous warning
As the shroud descends
A mysterious mist of sadness drifting in
Enveloping in an unknown melancholy
Until the dawn of realization lights the horizon
As the time draws nearer to remembrance
Though many a year has passed by
An inkling of recollection touches the sky
And understanding clears the fog as to why
A bone and gut aching sorrow have landed
And require my memories of active attention
Archival retrieval of happy times
To eclipse the sombre absence that reminds
A memory that can never forget
But attempts less focus in the path of healing
The crater that remains with unanswered questions

Debbie Gravett © 2022.05.15

FOWC: Active
RDP: Thunderous

Image by Susan Cipriano from Pixabay

When talking to a friend this week, it was comforting to know that when the anniversary of a death approaches, I am not the only one that experiences an unexplained sadness for a week or two before. Only just before, or on the day do I realize why. Even after eighteen years this still happens. I send love and light to others who experience this. And a big hug for those missing someone today.

Love you all madly. You too mom.

5 thoughts on “A Strange Sadness

  1. My mother died on May 15, 2000. I still think of her today and Mother’s Day and Memorial Day, because her birthday is May 31. May is less difficult after 22 years but I still hold her in my heart.

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