Through the Window

Encased in dust and cobwebs
The knockers have not clanged
For more than a year of distance
A devastation and isolation
In the mental minds of the inhabitants
Not knowing the touch of another soul
Nor the in-person heart-to-heart
Over steaming mugs and homemade biscuits
Now gone stale in the overflowing tin
No one to admire honed baking skills
Or little ones to pass them onto
For this ill enforced quarantine
Has brought only parcels to their door
With electronic tinging knocks
Announcing their arrival
And a hasty retreat
Upon the squeak of rusted hinge
Shall gathering ever feel normal
Or the lonely emptiness be repaired
And what of those who passed alone
While loved ones watched or listened
From a mighty distance
Encased in protective cocoons
In this historical time of utter disbelief
When each we make the choice we best believe
But hearts and minds will carry scars
Long past the delicate expiry date
Of lives impacted and forever changed
By the combination Columbus jailers
Of these unexplored mutated waters
The modern farers of the sea

Debbie Gravett Ā© 2021.09.17

FOWC: Combination
RDP: Knockers
Image by Tumisu from Pixabay

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