From Today

List of actions left unchecked
So long the time has dwindled
Faded and yellowed page
Containing dreams of progress
Scrumptious possibilities to feast upon
The life before a graduating youth
Wrinkled backward glances
Lack of realization of the opportunity
Presented at that crucial time
The latest roll call one of failure
A tirade of regret perhaps
For a deviated path
A search for when, what or where
This got so far off course
Following the path of misstep crumbs
To yearning for the days when this was ahead
But back we cannot go
Reverse is not a gear we possess
Only in retrospect revision
And once the rear-view mirror has been taken in
Should we not absorb the now
And take the action to prevent another rewind
That sends us to the pity party of lament
In future days that could be bright memories
Of much that has been done
Whether on a list or not
Adventure followed and breath taken
This we can do from today

Debbie Gravett © 2021.09.12

FOWC: Scrumptious
RDP: Action
Image by Egor Shitikov from Pixabay

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