Dealing With Memories

Memories flood forth drowning
Toxic sewerage from behind
Taken by surprise, flailing adrift
Lost in long ago betrayals
Revisiting with new what-ifs
And some of the repeated old
They squeeze my soul tighter
Wrench pain from nowhere
Inflict it all over again and again
Stabbing, breathless ache
Confusing, discombobulating
Sent into spiral spinning chaos
Told to leave them alone
Forget them and move on
But not such a simple task
These bits and pieces
Have made me who I am
Formed me, moulded me
Scarred me, wounded me
Built me, strengthened me
These puzzle fragments of me
How I hold them in my mind
How I remember them and why
These things are up to me
My reactions determine their affect
How I see determines what will be

Debbie Gravett © 2018.04.02

Daily Prompt: Toxic
Image by Pixabay/Pexels

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