Resisting Help

This thing that I do,
this blogging,
trying to create something
that will catch someone’s attention,
affect them, touch them,
help them,
give them food for thought.
With emotions in the elevator,
trying to share
the highs and lows,
more like a rollercoaster
with the rapid changes,
sometimes thrills
and others just a drag.
To climb out of the holes
that I find myself in,
and not pull anybody in with me.
Maybe that is why
I reject the helping hand,
afraid that I will affect the assistant,
by dragging them into my darkness.
But still we must try to help,
when we are in the light,
we must share it,
no matter the resistance.

Debbie Gravett © 2024.06.18

Image by Willgard Krause from Pixabay

FOWC: Elevator
RDP: Blogging

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