Let’s Illuminate One Another

Do not melt into the walls,
become faceless and nameless,
hide beneath camouflage,
to satisfy the needs of others.
Let your beautiful light shine
like a jumbo jet coming in to land,
let everyone know that you are here.
Allow them to see your magic,
the amazing gifts you possess.
Share your purpose with the world,
and celebrate their enjoyment
of your talent and innate radiance.
Take your hands off the dimmer switch,
always tempted to turn down,
when another feels threatened.
Shine together, be the flood lights,
in the stadium of life,
and illuminate the gifts
that others have to share.

Debbie Gravett © 2024.06.17

Image by Wouter Marais from Pixabay

FOWC: Faceless
RDP: Jumbo

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