Father’s Day

Happy Father’s Day, to the men who stand up to the plate, no matter their title. To those missing their dads today, I offer a virtual hug with a tight squeeze.

To My Husband and Father of My Children (the same man)
I danced with the Universe
and it turned me to you,
pulled me away,
and led me back again.
It wanted to bless me
in the best way possible,
and that was with you.
We were meant to be

To Fathers
With the hats that you wear,
the markers of your heart,
showing you love us by actions.
Easily persuaded to be hugged,
despite the protestations,
of soft gooey emotions.
Children’s real-life hero,
in doing the things of a dad,
the pillar to lean on
and the soft landing when we fall,
the hard lessons and the fun.
We salute you for being the one,
advisor and guidance counsellor,
tough love when we need it,
disciplinarian and teacher,
getting us to become
functional adults ready to succeed.

Debbie Gravett © 2024.06.16

Image by Luisella Planeta LOVE PEACE 💛💙 from Pixabay

FOWC: Persuade
RDP: Marker

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